Build the perfect set of glutes with our expert-approved workouts!

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Poorly Equipped Gym Hypertrophy

Sometimes, you won't have access to your hip thruster to do a glute workout. This workout maximises what you can do in a poorly-equipped gym that doesn't have a hip thruster or even very much in the way of free weights.

Leg press: 5 sets x 8 - 10 reps with 2 mins rest

Single-leg glute bridge: 3 sets x AMRAP reps each leg with 2 mins rest

Seated hip abduction machine: 3 sets x 15 - 20 reps with 1 min rest

Let us know how you got on with the workout on the Hip Thruster Facebook page

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On the Road Hypertrophy

Build the perfect set of glutes with our expert-approved workouts! If you're not already signed up to our newsletter then click here to receiv...

Long-term Strength and Size Gains

Build the perfect set of glutes with our expert-approved workouts! If you're not already signed up to our newsletter then click here to receiv...

A Scientific Guide to Determine an Exercise’s Effectiveness

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Glute Band Workout: Influencers Take Note!

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To Train To Failure Or Not

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Join the Squad

Booty By Bret is an online strength and conditioning program for women catering to all levels of fitness from beginners who are new to strength training to bikini competitors and powerlifters. These total body strength training workouts are highly efficient to maximize aesthetics, body composition, strength, and athletic goals. Take your training to the next level and improve your physique in as little as 3 hours per week!